Scotland INNINGS (50 overs)
Batting PerformanceRunCR AvgRun %SRCR SRSR %
Neil McCallum 8927.83319114.1069.05165
Richie Berrington 6724.8326973.6275.7997
Gregor Maiden 3021.0014254.5463.1586
Ollie Hairs 913.606660.0068.0088
Preston Mommsen 1932.385832.7569.5947
Moneeb Iqbal 724.0029175.0053.33328
Bowling PerformanceWktsEcoAvgSRBBF
Gordon Goudie 3/18 3.0027.0831.605/73
Ross Lyons 2/23 7.6645.0554.603/21
Gordon Drummond 1/5 1.2537.2850.504/41
Richie Berrington 1/13 2.6037.2643.904/40
Matthew Parker 1/43 7.1627.2534.504/33
Preston Mommsen 1/19 9.5021.6622.003/26

  Canada INNINGS (target: 196 runs from 26 overs)
Batting PerformanceRunCR AvgRun %SRCR SRSR %
Hiral Patel 3721.27173115.6280.13144
Umar Bhatti 2617.18151104.0073.68141
Calvert Hooper 1616.3397123.0781.66150
Parth Desai 12.6637100.0014.54687
Zubin Surkari 617.263435.2950.0070
Ashish Bagai 1037.762641.6665.5763
Jimmy Hansra 623.382537.5058.0664
Sunil Dhaniram 524.722029.4181.2636
Geoff Barnett 420.6819100.0061.07163
Khurram Chohan 212.691566.6657.89115
Rizwan Cheema 224.64833.33111.5329
Bowling PerformanceWktsEcoAvgSRBBF
Umar Bhatti 2/29 2.9034.8149.304/45
Rizwan Cheema 1/46 4.5934.2141.503/25
Calvert Hooper 1/26 5.2060.3356.301/17
Hiral Patel 0/3 3.0035.3040.904/28
Parth Desai 0/44 4.8840.4151.003/35
Khurram Chohan 0/52 5.2028.5832.905/68
Sunil Dhaniram 0/27 5.4030.2443.105/32

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