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Gavin Rennie

Gavin Rennie

Left-hand bat
Full Name : Gavin James Rennie
Teams : Zimbabwe, Mashonaland, Mashonaland A, Mashonaland Under-24s, Young Mashonaland

D.O.B : 12-01-1976
Current Age : 48 Year, 8 Month, 8 Days
Born : Fort Victoria (now Masvingo) Masvingo

Test Match


Test Debue


Test Cap No

ODIs Match


ODIs Debue


ODIs Cap No

T20Is Match

T20Is Debue

T20Is Cap No

Batting & Fielding Statistics

Tests 2346102319322.7335.20071032130
ODIs 403761767619.9066.480200160

Bowling Statistics

Tests 23412684184.004.00126.000001/401/40
ODIs 4049075237.505.0045.000001/171/17

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