Netherlands  136/10 (50)
Pakistan  142/1 (16.2)
  Netherlands INNINGS (50 overs)
Batting PerformanceRunCR AvgRun %SRCR SRSR %
Adeel Raja 52.8017825.0020.14124
Tim de Leede 2416.6614448.0063.6975
Reinout Scholte 117.8014126.1928.8890
Roland Lefebvre 3228.5011245.7161.0774
Luuk van Troost 1615.7710127.1162.2843
Bas Zuiderent 723.842970.0058.56119
Feiko Kloppenburg 727.502531.8162.2651
Daan van Bunge 121.1046.2566.429
Edgar Schiferli 010.0600.0073.850
Henk-Jan Mol 08.3700.0036.610
Jacob-Jan Esmeijer 02.5000.0023.250
Bowling PerformanceWktsEcoAvgSRBBF
Feiko Kloppenburg 1/23 11.5023.8730.204/42
Roland Lefebvre 0/14 3.5038.4459.302/38
Jacob-Jan Esmeijer 0/18
Edgar Schiferli 0/37 9.2530.5439.204/23
Tim de Leede 0/19 9.5034.4439.204/35
Adeel Raja 0/31 13.2840.5849.704/42

  Pakistan INNINGS (target: 137 runs from 50 overs)
Batting PerformanceRunCR AvgRun %SRCR SRSR %
Imran Nazir 5924.61239147.5081.01182
Shahid Afridi 5523.57233305.55117.00261
Saeed Anwar 2839.217170.0080.6786
Bowling PerformanceWktsEcoAvgSRBBF
Shahid Afridi 3/18 1.8034.5144.707/12
Waqar Younis 2/14 2.0023.8430.507/36
Shoaib Akhtar 1/14 1.7524.9731.406/16
Mohammad Sami 1/18 1.8029.4735.405/10
Shoaib Malik 1/26 3.2538.1149.104/19
Abdul Razzaq 1/25 3.5731.8340.606/35

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