Australia Innings
Batting PerformanceRunCR AvgRun %SRCR SRSR %
Murali Vijay 14441.0935067.6046.98143
Ajinkya Rahane 8147.5717061.3653.73114
Umesh Yadav 97.7811542.8540.22106
Ravichandran Ashwin 3533.5510485.3655.25154
Varun Aaron 43.8810336.3631.81114
Rohit Sharma 3235.409058.1853.49108
MS Dhoni 3338.098662.2659.11105
Shikhar Dhawan 2438.526261.5359.95102
Virat Kohli 1943.764370.3753.66131
Cheteshwar Pujara 1847.113828.1249.2557
Ishant Sharma 19.081133.3329.03114
Bowling PerformanceWktsEcoAvgSRBBF
Umesh Yadav 3/101 4.0436.0553.305/93
Ishant Sharma 3/117 5.0837.3066.607/74
Ravichandran Ashwin 2/128 3.8025.1451.407/66
Varun Aaron 2/145 5.5752.6166.003/97
Rohit Sharma 0/10 5.00101.00167.001/26

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